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Where is my review? I can't find it on the site

Generally, reviews are published straight away, but there may be a short delay before the review appears. Please note that reviews are published in stay order, rather than by date of submission.

Site owners have the option to receive alerts of new reviews after submission, and may object to a review if it is fictitious, personally insulting or factually incorrect. Reviews which have been disputed are suspended while being investigated by our team who will decide whether the review will be restored. Groups of guests may only submit one review per group booking - ie you may add one unique and independent review to represent your group's experience at the site/park‏.

A manager can leave a comment in response to any review and we encourage them to respond to all feedback, positive and negative, so potential customers can see how problems and suggestions are dealt with when they arise. Please ensure you follow the guidelines specified by when leaving your review to avoid the need for site/park managers to use the dispute tool.

Please note that the review system is a tool for guests to leave their comments regarding the site/park they have stayed at as a holiday destination, and the facilities and services offered and experienced there. While offers reviewers the chance to score a 'Customer service' rating for a site/park alongside their review comments, personal issues or disagreements with site management and complaints should be taken up with the site direct so this can be addressed by them. Any review that does not comply with the guidelines will be removed. If you have experienced any problems with your booking, please contact using the contact details provided in your booking confirmation email. advises reviewers to keep photographic evidence if a review contains allegations which may be serious enough to prompt legal action. 

Due to the high number of reviews and dispute requests received during our busiest times, reviews may be down for a short period while we look into the reasons for the manager’s dispute.