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Blog posts from November 2013

  1. at Farm Business Innovation - day 2!

    November 29, 2013
    by | about | news

    The pod at Lee Wick Farm Hic! Er, we mean hi! Day 2 of Pitchup at Farm Business Innovation is winding down, we may have enjoyed the drinks do last night, and we are now sore-feetedly ruing the decision to wear heels. And that’s just the blokes.

    We’ve had a blast chatting to loads of lovely …

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  2. at Farm Business Innovation - day 1!

    November 28, 2013
    by | about | news

    One of our farm campsites, Atlantic Surf Pods in Bude
    We iz at Farmbiz! And we’re writing on the hoof (boom boom!). It’s the first day of Farm Business Innovation 2013 at the Olympia in London, where we’ve pitched up to share our expertise on how farmers can make more money from their land. We’ve put faces to names (hi …

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  3. Ollie not jolly - best Christmas markets

    November 25, 2013
    by | festivals and events | seasonal

    Christmas market stall
    A big tsk to Oliver Cromwell, we say, as we take our autumn look at the best Christmas markets around the landand overseas for 2014.

    Not content with puritan spoilsportedness and general dour-facedness, the Cromwellian one only went and

    banned Christmas

    in the 1640s.

    Now, while we’d be all for …

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  4. Walking in the air – our guide to winter walks

    November 22, 2013
    by | festivals and events | guides | seasonal | sports and outdoors

    This way for winter walking
    Tis wondrous to walk in winter. Crunching crispy snow underfoot, feeling all glowy cheeked and virtuous, and striding over hills and moors in a Tom Baker Doctor Who Very Long Scarf. (And other garments too, obv, we’re not

    this bloke


    And, as our other favourite winter pastimes include

    this …

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  5. Dreaming of Paris in the springtime? Book it now!

    November 15, 2013
    by | destinations | news

    Pool at L'Anse du Brick
    French holiday parcs, we are finding after rapidly adding 52 of them (et counting), are Rather Swish (non, we don’t know The French For That).

    After a trade trip to la belle La Rochelle – with the French speakers looking very fetching in their T-shirts – we’ve been …

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  6. From tanning salons to F1 racing tracks – our top ten Unexpected (and luxury) Extras

    November 7, 2013
    by | about camping | guides | luxury | offbeat

    PoSHHuts, Northumberland We have ranted pointed out previously about unimaginative types who think outdoor hols are all about tent camping (on a slope, in the rain and under a leak). Unimaginative and dwelling under a rock in recent years too, given that with the rise of glamping, even the likes of Mick …

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